Chamber Strings Adaptive
- Stunning chamber sound; amazing playability.
- Incredibly flexible "ensemble' patches.
- For "ensemble" patches, each section can contain ANY short or long articulation (spiccato, staccato, detache, pizzicato, col legno, Bartok pizzicato, sustain, tremolo, major trill, minor trill).
- Silky smooth slurred or bowed legato.
- Flexible legato choices: Polyphonic, non-polyphonic, intense, mild, bowed.
- Vibrato and dynamics can "chase" velocity smoothly EVEN on held notes.
- Go from punchy and aggressive marcatos to silky smooth legatos with no keyswitching or controllers.
- Two different portamento styles.
- Extensive modeling to conserve the memory footprint.
- Flexible vibrato control.
- Added automation page for controlling such things as articulations, vibrato, dynamics and more via MIDI CC.
Recorded at the First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica where A-list Los Angeles-based orchestras record and perform.
Fully Integrated Ensemble Patches
Fully Separated Individual Patches
All have the same features, so there is no guesswork when loading different patches.
- 6 Violins
- 4 Violas
- 4 Cellos
- 2 Basses
For Each Section:
- Section Mixer
- Purge/Load
- Legato on/off
- Attack control whether via velocity or slider.
- Section high and low note range control.
- Short articulation selection.
- Long articulation selection.
- Portamento control.
- Short articulation velocity sensitivity.
- Tighten/Broaden Short articulation.
- Bow-change samples on/off.
- 8va, 8vb for violins and basses.
- Vibrato control.
- Solo/mute.
Global Control (Home Page):
- "Space" presets - The room style of the orchestra.
- "Touch" presets - Choose how you want the instrument to respond to your playing style.
- "Speed" presets - Choose the response attack.
- "Info" screen showing current keyswitch map and velocity-chasing for vibrato and dynamics.
- Release time.
- Sordini.
- Sul Tasto.
- Reverb.
- Dynamics.
- Automation screen.
- Legato style.
- Attack control whether via velocity or slider.
- Short articulation selection.
- Long articulation selection.
- Tighten/Broaden Short articulation.
- Bow-change samples on/off.
- 8va, 8vb for violins and basses.
- Vibrato control.
Mixer Page:
- Section note mixer - independent note level control.
- Short and Long Articulation Choosers
- Short and Long Articulation Volume
- Velocity control for short articulations.
- Release samples on/off.
- 3-Band Parametric EQ
- Dynamics slider.
- Dynamics velocity sensitivity
- Dynamics chase velocity on/off
- Expression velocity sensitivity
- Reverb and Room Size
- Release samples volume.
- Detailed vibrato controls
- Microphone Mixer (Near, Mid, Far)
- Section Mixer for Violins, Violas, Cellos and Basses (Level, Pan, Purge)
Under the Hood:
- Round Robin is randomized so that you never hear a "loop" effect.
- Samples of the church ambience are carefully mixed in for a very natural sound.
Features that can be assigned to a controller:
- Instrument volumes (4)
- Legato on/off for each section (4)
- Velocity attack on/off for each section or globally (5)
- Velocity attack sensitivity for each section or globally (5)
- Velocity sensitivity for each section's short samples (4)
- Short articulation duration for each section (4)
- Bow change samples on/off for each section (4)
- 8va, 8vb for violins and basses (2)
- Vibrato amount for each section or globally (5)
- Solo/Mute for each section (8)
- Short samples global volume (1)
- Long samples global volume (1)
- Release sample on/off (1)
- Reset note mixer for each section (4)
- EQ high frequency (1)
- EQ mid frequency (1)
- EQ low frequency (1)
- EQ high frequency gain (1)
- EQ mid frequency gain (1)
- EQ low frequency gain (1)
- Velocity Sensitivity (1)
- Dynamics velocity chasing (1)
- Expression Sensitivity
- Added Reverb
- Reverb Size
- Room Size
- Release samples volume
- Vibrato control via controller or velocity switch for each section or globally (5)
- Close, mid and far mic levels (3)
- Panning for each section (4)
- Short Articulation changes for each section (4)
- Dynamics (1)
- Long Articulation changes for each section (4)
- Portamento style (1)
- A working knowledge of how to use Kontakt.
- 5.1GB disk space
- FULL version of Kontakt 6.6.1 or newer (not the "player" version).
- Download links expire in 6 months.
- Extract the .zip file.
- From within Kontakt, open any .nki (or .nkm file if provided) file.