Four Complete String Libraries in 1
1. "Whole Divisions" - Our "Symphonic String" section. All of the players of a symphonic section - Great for a huge feel.
2. "Half Divisions" - Our "Studio String" section. Half of the players of a symphonic section - Great for a "studio" feel.
3. "Quarter Divisions" - Our "Chamber String" section. Four players or less per note - Great for a more intimate feel.
4. Solos - Our "Solo String" section. One player per note.
TVEC 3 - Sophisticated programming behind the Diamond Strings sample library.
Velocity and Modwheel Volume Control - Set custom velocity and modhwheel volume control.
DivisiLive® - TVEC 3 can automatically do divisi when you play a chord.
SmartLegato - True legato technology that also lets you play fluid and connected chords.
Select-A-Division - Instantly select from as many as four divisions (sections) in a single instrument on the fly
Division Blending - Create your own custom division (section) blends from up to four divisions all in one instrument.
SlidesLive® - With the Pitch Wheel, create realistic, variable speed, or fixed speed slides, between notes on the fly.
Choose whether to have the Pitch Wheel control the speed of the slide or the volume of the slide.
VibratoLive® - Create your own flexible vibrato styles. With VibratoLive®, you can do much more than mere velocity or modwheel-controlled vibrato.
Human Pitch Correction or "hpc" - (Full version of Concert Strings 2 Only - Violins, Violas and Cellos)
When using "HPC", these sound the most "real" during medium and fast phrases. This is due to the fact that when strings players play quickly,
they are likely to be slightly out of tune at the beginning of each note. However, this is a desired effect. Without it, the result can sound rather
sterile and "flat" and even "synthy".
Without Human Pitch Correction these instruments are played more "pristinely" and will sound good during very slow phrases.
When string players play slowly, they have a tendancy to play more in tune.
Body Modeling - Optional body modeling for solos and chambers.
Duplets and Triplets - Create amazingly realistic duplets and triplets on release trigger.
Purge - Purge Divisions or Articulations from the huge TVEC 3 instruments to create your own custom smaller instruments.
Custom Modwheel Curves - (Full version of Concert Strings 2 Only) Customize the behavior of the modwheel for vibrato amounts.
Impulse Responce Concert Hall Reverb and Early Reflections - Optional convolution reverb settings.
Polyphonic Round Robin - Never get the same note played twice in a row...even when playing chords. Eliminates the dreaded "machine gun" effect.
TrillsLive® - TVEC 3 can "decide" whether to use half step or whole step trills depending on what key you are in.
MutesLive® - Mutes on/Mutes off.....on the fly.
Sustain Pedal Overlapping Notes - Smooth out note transitions and note repetitions. Essential for realistic fluid repeated notes!
Set Slide Levels - Set slide levels.
Set Instrument Delay Amount - Creates a random delay amount for the instrument's note-on. Great for realism during layering.
Keyswitching On/Off Option - Choose whether or not the instrument uses keyswitching.
Assign Keyswitch Notes - You can choose your own notes to assign the various articulations and features.
Interactive Help Prompting - Hover the mouse over a feature, and the interface will tell you what the feature does.
Velocity or Modwheel Brightness - You can have the instrument sound brighter via velocity or modwheel.
Attack - Globally control the attack.
Release - Globally control the release
Velocity Attack Sensitivity - Globally control the attack via velocity.
Accent Levels - Globally control the accent amount .
Automation - Assign MIDI or host automation to any articulation or feature.
Tested to Play Well With Others - We've tested Diamond Strings to make sure that it blends wonderfully with other existing string libraries.