License Overview
When you purchase this library from us or any authorized dealer, the sounds and samples are licensed, not sold, to you by the author, publisher and Kirk Hunter Studios for commercial use in music production, public performance, broadcast, or similar use. You may use any of the samples in a commercial recording without paying any additional license fees. However, you must strictly adhere to the crediting guidelines, if any, that appear inside the documentation of this product. If credit is required, it must appear in the liner notes accompanying the music recording, be it a music CD, cassette, soundtrack compilation or game. Screen credit for film and television use is not required.
License Agreement
1. Definitions: “Publisher” means Kirk Hunter, or any co-publisher, copyright owner or co-copyright owner of any other sample-based product included in this library. “You” and “Your” means the person who purchased this license to use this product or for whom the license was purchased. “Documentation” means the manual or guide and any other material provided by Publisher with the enclosed product. “License” means the license purchased and granted pursuant to this Agreement.
2. License Grant: Publisher grant to you and only you, subject to the following terms and conditions, a non-exclusive nontransferable right to use each authorized copy of the enclosed product The enclosed product is a property of Publisher and is licensed to you only for use as part of a musical performance, live or recorded. This license expressly forbids resale or other distribution of these Sounds or their derivatives, either as they exist as delivered, reformatted for use in another digital sampler, or mixed, combined, filtered, resynthesized or otherwise edited, for use as sounds, multisounds, samples, multisamples, wavetables, soundsets, programs or patches in a sampler, microchip, computer, game console or any sample playback device. You cannot sell them or give them away for use by other in their sampling or sample playback devices. In the even the Publisher terminates this Agreement due to your breach, you agree to return (or destroy) the original and all other copies of the software and documentation to the Publisher. The Publisher reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. This Agreement amends all other agreements enclosed with this product.
3. Protection of Software: You agree to take all reasonable steps to protect this product and any accompanying documentation from unauthorized copying or use. You agree not to modify the enclosed product to circumvent any method or means adopted or implemented by the Publisher to protect against or discourage the unlicensed use of copying of the enclosed product.
4. Ownership: Ownership of, and title to, the enclosed digitally recorded sounds (including any copies) will be held by the Publisher. Copies are provided to you only to enable you to exercise your rights under the license. Only this license is purchased by you.
5. Term: This Agreement is effective from the date you either download the product, or open and file contained in the product, and will remain in full force until termination. This Agreement will terminate if you break any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement. Upon termination, you agree to destroy all copies of this product and accompanying documentation.
6. Restrictions: Except as expressly authorized in this Agreement, you may not rent, lease, sell sub license distribute, transfer, copy, reproduce, display, modify or time share the enclosed product or documentation.
KHS constantly monitors digital product releases and the Internet to check for copyright infringements, and will prosecute any piracy and copyright violations to the fullest extent of the law.